Welome to my one and only, first time ever blog. To start, My name is Gregory Allen and I have decided to create this page in order to discuss, review, and offer news on videogames. Having had few mistresses in my life and even fewer loves, I've come to realize that the only real constant in my ever-changing, ever-expanding life is how I feel a, possibly inappropriate, love for videogames. Still, I believe my love to be just. I mean, who really doesn't want to be the fantasy hero/villain who saves/destroys the world/princess? Not to mention, no matter how terrible my day was, or how much fun I'm having with friends, a round of Mariokart or Team Fortress 2 is always a nice way to top it all off. My day, as it is, is spent mostly doing grad-school things. I have a B.A. in Classics, which means I can read Greek and Latin as well as tell you all about ancient happenings, which was earned at UCSB and am now attending SF State for my masters in Classics.
With that in mind, it should come as no surprise that I aspire to write professionally (Not just writing, of course, but writing about videogames.). As I am currently not writing professionally - about anything - I've decided to create this site. Unfortunately, however, being a grad student, my funds are limited and, having a girlfriend, so is my time. Despite all this, I will find a way to manage this page with some kind of regularity of more than once a week. To start, my time will be spent reviewing games that are a bit older, but only because they are my absolute favorite. I'll be starting with what is highly regarded as the best game ever created: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. In the beginning, my posts will be in rapid succession because I won't have to buy/rent the games and then beat them in order to review them.
I believe it is only fitting for this page to start with the games that started my love for videogames in general. Eventually, of course, I'll get to newer and more relevant to the gaming community. One hardly needs a review of a game that came out in 1999, but that is what this site will offer. At first.
Anyway, Super Dope Game Reviews is a little misleading. This site is dedicated to videogames and anything having to do with videogames. That means so much more than just reviews. This site will pertain to news from any game developer - one of the big 3 or any indie developers - and also offer the ability to discuss any thing game-related in the comments section. Some day, when I'm able, I will post podcasts of myself with one or two others whom I consider to be knowledgeable or even simply fans of the topic. Super Dope Game Reviews is meant to be among the more serious gaming websites, perhaps one day to be counted among the greats such as "ign" or "kotaku" (two of my personal favorites, at least). Other than that, if I'm ever lucky to attend any press conference or convention, images will be posted on the site, accompanied with descriptions of the event and any information discovered there.
Besides all this, the most important part of this first post is that it is a welcome mat for any and all gamers to open the door into the wonderful world of fantasy and imagination (Disneyland has got nothin' on videogames.... not counting Epic Mickey). And, to continue with the house metaphor, the comments section is the doorbell, where all contributions, within reason, are welcome.
So, finally, once again, WELCOME.
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