The First Review
And what a review it was! Nostalgia had never run more rampant as Ocarina of Time was reviewed by this sites patriarch. The first, and, to date, only perfect score, a clear 5/5. Few people understand that this review still holds sway over decisions made here at the offices today. For example, I recently became enamored with the series Alice is Dead, however, extraordinary as I thought the game was, it fell just short of a 5 out of 5 receiving only a 4.75 out of 5, out of deference to that first perfect score.
Fresh New Faces
As out patriarch started to branch out, seeking other respected gamers, he found an eclectic mix of writers to found the basis of the content for the site. While yours truly provided consistent game reviews of the more obscure variety, writer Jason H provided articles that were geared towards the theoretical, philosophical, and psychological nature of games. More followed, and soon the staff here at SuperDope grew to ultimately boast a roster of almost six people.
But it wasn’t all roses, was it? Who can forget some of our more colorful controversies over the months? The name change comes to mind as the most prevalent- Superdopegaming was, as some of our hardcore fans may remember, formerly Superdopegamereviews dot com, which some thought had a nice ring to it but whatever. The powers that be ultimately decided that, because this site is more then just reviews, a name change to reflect as such would be more appropriate. It almost tore the site apart. Yet, here we stand, more then 30 consecutive days later, able to enjoy, and reflect.
Also, who could forget that one really really racy picture from that one time:
Here it is! Look at it!
F*cking look at it.
Fortunately, sex and Video Games have always gone hand and hand, tho, the picture did force our offices to institute a 2 and out policy, in which any employee caught wankin it to that picture in his office twice would be fired. Fortunately, most stop at one, tho a court case is pending for one of our employees who was caught furiously masturbating in his office to a different picture for a second time. Ha ha ha, oh KeepinItFresh, you sexual pervert.
Drugs and Writing Don’t Mix…Or Do They?
Village people?? Hah hah hah! Hilarious!
Then there’s my personal favorite, that one time I got doped up on pain meds but decided to write my weekly article anyway. What otherwise would have been a huge error and waste of time for both readers and my editor ended up being a perfect mix of comedy and pity.
Well, that’s it. I think I can speak for all of us when I say, to borrow and paraphrase a phrase: Four more months! Four more months! What more amazing moments will await the gaming community as SuperDope enters its less-than-half-a-year anniversary? Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure: As long as there are Video Games, there will be to tell you what you need to know about them.
3.75/5 Solid Video Game Reviews! Reliable! Room for Improvement!
We did it.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Julian. I found out we have the same initials. Our connection is undeniable.